Manual AWS Batch configuration
This document describes how to set up AWS roles and Batch queues manually for the deployment of Nextflow workloads using Tower Enterprise.
These steps are only needed if you want to create the AWS Batch resources manually. If you use the Batch Forge option, these steps are not needed, because Tower will automatically create the required Batch queues.
Create a user policy
Create the policy for the user launching Nextflow jobs:
Go to the IAM Console
Go to the Policy page
Create a new policy with the following content:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1530313170000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["*"]
} -
Save with it the name
Create the instance role policy
Go to the IAM Console
Go to the Policy page
Create a new policy with the following content:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
} -
Finally, save it with the name
Create the Batch Service Role
This is a role used by AWS Batch to launch EC2 instances on your behalf.
- Go to the IAM Console
- Click on "Roles"
- Click on "Create role"
- Select "AWS service" as the trusted entity
- Choose "Batch" as the service to use the role
- Click "Next: Permissions"
- In Attached permissions policies, the
will already be attached - Click "Next: Tags" (adding tags is optional)
- Click "Next: Review"
- Set the Role Name to
- Finally, Click "Create role"
Create an EC2 Instance Role
This is a role that controls which AWS Resources EC2 instances launched by AWS Batch have access to. In this case, you will limit S3 access to just the bucket you created earlier.
Go to the IAM Console
Click on "Roles"
Click on "Create role"
Select "AWS service" as the trusted entity
Choose EC2 from the larger services list
Choose "EC2 - Allows EC2 instances to call AWS services on your behalf" as the use case.
Click "Next: Permissions"
- Type "ContainerService" in the search field for policies
- Click the checkbox next to
to attach the policy - Type "S3" in the search field for policies
- Click the checkbox next to
to attach the policy (you may want to use to use a custom policy to allow the access only on specific S3 buckets)
Search and attach the custom policy
Click "Next: Tags". (adding tags is optional)
Click "Next: Review"
Set the Role Name to
Finally, Click "Create role"
Create an EC2 SpotFleet Role
This is a role that allows creation and launch of Spot fleets - Spot instances with similar compute capabilities (i.e. vCPUs and RAM). This is for using Spot instances when running jobs in AWS Batch.
- Go to the IAM Console
- Click on "Roles"
- Click on "Create role"
- Select "AWS service" as the trusted entity
- Choose EC2 from the larger services list
- Choose "EC2 - Spot Fleet Tagging" as the use case
- In Attached permissions policies, the
will already be attached.
- In Attached permissions policies, the
- Click "Next: Tags". (adding tags is optional)
- Click "Next: Review"
- Set the Role Name to
- Click "Create role".
Create a launch template
Required to configure the EC2 instance deployed by the Batch jobs.
Go to the EC2 Console
Click Launch template
Create a new launch template which uses the
User Data
(in the Advanced details section) shown below:MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="//"
Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"
su - root << 'EOF'
set -x
## install awscli
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
yum install -y jq python27-pip sed wget bzip2
pip install -U boto3
wget -q
bash -b -f -p $USER/miniconda
$USER/miniconda/bin/conda install -c conda-forge -y awscli
chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user $USER/miniconda
) &>> ~/boot.log
cp ~/boot.log ~ec2-user/boot.log
--//-- -
Finally, save it with name
Create the Batch compute environments
- Go to the Batch Console
- Create a new compute environment specifying the Instance profile, Service role, Fleet role and Launch template created previously.
- Save it with a name of your choice.
Create the Batch Queue
- Go to the Batch Console
- Create a new queue
- Associate to the compute environment created in the previous step.
- Finally, save it with a name of your choice.